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April, 4 2024

Gold Price Hits All Time High

Why does this mean for the goldbugs?

Gold hit another all time high today. The gold bug has been ignited in many new participants. Central banks have been major gold buyers over the last couple years, and many individuals are also picking up gold.

With an uncertain world in terms of both global financial uncertainties and wars and rumors of wars, gold has gained popularity. With the US Federal Reserve expected to lower interest rates, many fanancial institutions are moving money from T-Bills and Treasuties to gold. In addition, many are seeking an inflation hedge instead of holding cash as the federal deficit is just about to hit thirty five trillion dollars.

As far as a long term investment consider this.
The price of gold 20 years ago was about $420 an ounce. Today it was about $2,300 an ounce. That is a 600 percent increase, in just 20 years. Or about 30 percent per year increase over this interval. Not many other investments can match that rate of return.

Another fact to remember is that gold has always had some value, even if it does drop.
Compare that to FTX or Enron stock, which can turn into valueless paper overnight.

People also often have forgotten gold in terms of jewelry and old coins. Maybe it is time to recover some of that lost treasure.

Maybe we all need some gold?

A Local Farm

Knowing all of this, is it time to invest in something other than US dollars? Is gold an answer?

The alternative to knowledge and adaptation, in this case is slowly losing your savings value, as is occuring in Venezuela...

The average US worker works far harder than their counterparts in other developed nations, and get less and less for it every year.
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