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April 2, 2021

Americans work a lifetime and a half compared to others.

It seems like most working class Americans feel like they work a lot, and have little to show for it. It is hear over and over, how hard it is to get ahead. So what is the truth to that sentiment, and how do we compare to our neigbors in other countries? Well it turns out that we do work a lot more, and for less than imagined.

So let's do the math!

It turns out that, on averge, American's work more hours per week, more weeks per year and more years per lifetime than workers in most nations. In total, almost an extra half a lifetime more.
U.S. workers work more hours pre week than most people in other nations, an average estimate is at over 45 hours per week, and often without overtime pay. EU workers average 37 hours a week.
Americans have no mandated vacation time, where in Europe paid vacation, sick pay and maternity leave is mandated, so an EU worker works about a month less a year than American workers.
Then, not only do Americans give up vacations and work overtime (often without pay), they work until they are 67 years of age where average European workers get to retire at age 62.
When these factors are added up, US workers work far more in a lifetime than most of our fellow industrialized contries citizens do.

And, unlike almost all other developed nations, US workers have no legally mandated retirement plan, holiday pay, maternity pay, sick leave or medical coverage. All of this only to retire into a Social Security system that has lost value and is expected to be insolvent in a few years.

Here is how Americans work a lifetime and a half compared to others.

The average US worker works far harder than their counterparts in other developed nations, and get less and less for it every year.
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