News from "The Gouge"

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August 21, 2023

The government must always manipulate data, to survive.

The US government, and state governments, constantly manipulate data to make citizens feel better about current conditions.
To stay in power, those in power in the government, are always manipulating data to make it seem as though things are not as bad as they are. A common example is the manipulation is the consumer price index, a measure of inflation.
The President sent everyone some free money during the pandemic, but without any corresponding increase in products or services. Therefore this event simply devalued everyones money. No increase in goods, but more money, means inflation. His solution to the problem he caused (as always, from the standard government inflation playbook) was to then increase the cost of borrowing, which tanks the economy, reducing inflation.
The misrepresentation of the true inflation numbers are obvious. When the gov says inflation is 5% it is really 10%. They just want to make it feel "less bad"
Take this comparrison (provided by shadowstats) of inflation in the US as reported using current methods vs 1980's methods.

It is clear to see that inflation is worse than is currently reported, the government just changes the metrics (moves the goalposts) to make it look less scary.
Real inflation is over twice what is reported. If it wasn't, they wouldn't need to change the metrics. They do this simply to make themselves look better, so they can stay in power.

Consider this article on the switcharoo tactic used by the US dept of Labor Statistics.

That is not the only manipulation. The US GPD is manipulated to make it look like the country is more productive than it really is.
Here is an example, from "the Gouge".

The results are shown below, again complements of shadowstats, a reported 5% GDP but in reality GDP is about zero.

It has even gotten blatent, with president Biden stating everything from inflation is lower than when he took office to he has cured cancer.

The unsavory part of all this manipulation is that they think we will buy it. The govenment hopes it's lies work, so that we think we are all doing well.

It has gotten so bad, that the manipulation of data reminds me of 1984, as if it wasn't a fiction novel????

The alternative to knowledge and adaptation, in this case is slowly losing your dollar savings value, as the printing continues...

The average US worker works far harder than their counterparts in other developed nations, and get less and less for it every year.
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