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April 04, 2023

Why Don't Workers Want to Work For Nothing Anymore?

There has been a lot of news recently on how people don't want to work anymore.
There are some people who are lazy, and there always will be. Some, but few, peope just don't like any sort of labor. But it is unmistakable that the vast majority of Americans are willing to work, just not forever and for nothing.
Sure in the 50's-70's a "family income" was generated by one person, and that person worked, afforded a house and family, medical and retirement.
Now a "family income" consists of two people, both working and typically one of those works two jobs. That means a "family income" is now three jobs.

Add to this that we as Americans are supposed to work almost 50% more than Europeans (and most of the world in fact) through our lifetime yet have so much less for it when were done.
Americans Work an Extra Half a Lifetime More than Europeans.

When compared to almost all other nations, American workers get less healthcare, sick time, vacation, retirement, and the list goes on.
The US is the only "advanced" nation in the world that does NOT require that employees get sick time, vacation, healthcare benefits, retirement plans, etc. ALL Other Nations Mandate These Things.
In fact, to retire from most companies, or the few that even offer retirement, you have to work 400 years to retire 20 years.
How to retire from your company in only 400 years.

So to prove this, simply start paying employees CEO pay. What, we can't afford that!. Well the CEO gets that, say $30 million a year and he works. Then maybe it isn't that the people don't want to work, rather it is that the people don't want to work a lifetime and a half to end up broke and homeless. In fact a recent report showed that over half of the "homeless" actually have jobs, they just don't make enough to afford the home.
So, as a proof of concept, pay some random workers a million dollars a year and see what percentage don't want to work.
This will end this conversation once and for all. And it is viable, since corporations are again reporting record profits, in the trillions in the US, so they can afford it.

The truely sad part is that destroying the populations purchasing power, for short term CEO profit, is destroying the long term viability of the company, and the country. If noone is left with enough money to pay rent or buy goods, what company will profit then?

So it is no surprise that workers are walking away, just get ready for more of it as people wise up.

Pay the workers get enough cash to live on.

It seems that people are so tired of working their lives away to make a CEO a little bit richer, that they often won't anymore.
And don't worry, it's OK, CEOs and Billionaire activist investors have enough money, they will survive.

The alternative to knowledge and adaptation, in this case is slowly losing your dollar savings value, as the printing continues...

The average US worker works far harder than their counterparts in other developed nations, and get less and less for it every year.
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